Videos & Podcasts


April 2020 Justice in the Balance Thoughts on Inequality and the Coronavirus Pandemic. Arlington Public Radio.

A 2017 television interview on women and criminal justice reform in Massachusetts: Follow this link.

I made an appearance in this video by Meredith Berg to talk about alternatives to incarceration. I make the point that incarceration is neither necessary nor useful for most women in jails and prisons. While I am in favor of policies that minimize incarceration, I am concerned that the notion of “alternatives to incarceration” assumes that a crime has been committed and that the women involved are in fact criminals who require reform and supervision rather than jobs, housing and respect.

Women’s Incarceration,” Arlington Public News, Television Interview, April 2015.

Incarceration by Any Other Name: The Unholy Alliance of Religion, Therapeutic Culture, and the State,” Claremont McKenna College, 2015.

Podcasts and Radio

Uninsured in Texas, Then and Now. Health Affairs.

Can’t Catch a Break, Harm Reduction Network

Radio Health Journal: “Bad Health and Incarceration” – In November, I made an appearance on the Radio Health Journal podcast to talk about the cyclical relationship between poor health, disability, and incarceration. You can listen to the full broadcast here.

Bitch Magazine Podcast, “Popaganda Episode: Liberal Problems. In this podcast I talk about the commodification of breast cancer and pink ribbon culture.

(Legal) Drugs and Women Behind Bars. This is a wonderful Radio Boston interview with me and one of the women of Can’t Catch a Break.